Saturday, September 4, 2010

France day 3

Day 3:
Guillaume's father Andre gave him a few days off work so that he could spend some time with Ben and I while we were staying with them. However, he was ever so nice to his father and ended up working at least a few hours every day that we were there. Considering we couldn't seem to drag ourselves out of bed before 9:00 anyway he was able to get in almost 4 hours before we were even up! Ben and I decided we wanted to do something different while we were in Provence, something different and relaxing. We ended up doing both although never really at the same time. In the morning of our first full day we decided to go horseback riding. We went down to a town called Saintes Maries de la Mer (beach town) for lunch and then took a 2 hour ride on horseback.

We were feeling pretty good about our decision and felt it was a good way to be outdoors, see some sites, and get around without Ben having to walk too much because of his leg. There were probably about 15 of us, oh and all the horses decided it was very important to pee and poo before leaving so we left a big puddle behind us as we took off down the side of the road. Only about 1 minute into the ride a horse in front of us decided to jump into the road and turn around only a few inches from a speeding bus! Ben and I turned to one another with wide eyes and mouthed, what did we get ourselves into?!

Despite the scary beginning the rest of the ride was rather uneventful....however, half way through the ride we started trotting a bit and it proved to be a painful experience for Ben. By the end of the ride my rear end felt like one solid bruise and Ben wouldn't even let me take a picture of him on his horse..his very words were, "no way, let's go get a drink and forget this ever happened." No more horseback riding until that leg is 100% healed! So that's just what we did...or at least tried to do, we went to the beach and relaxed in the waves and sand but alas we could not forget this horses for days as each time we sat we were reminded of the hard saddle beneath our derrier. Back on the farm we had another late (fantastically good) meal and off to bed right after. Poor Ben suffered from strange dreams after eating so late and made noises in the night and woke up in a panic....silly boy.

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