Wednesday evening on the kibbutz we ate good food in the dining hall because of the Bar Mizvah party that was being held that night. Everyone gets very excited over eating fish here because it is eaten for special occasions, but I tend to avoid it for some reason. However, they did have an assortment of cheeses that were different and very yummy. After dinner we went to the party, which was held at the pool and consisted of some speeches by the boy and his family (all in Hebrew of course) and some performances by the other kids his age. Some of them sang and played guitar, some showed their martial arts moves, others did some dances they had made up, and two girl even sang him a song they had changed the words to so that it was about him (I wonder what it said though). It was very cute and a nice party on a particularly nice evening.
Thursday we woke up early and headed down to Eilat again to get some more business taken care of. We signed up for Ulpan, which will begin sometime mid-October, got some information about Ben’s driver’s license, and went to the hospital for the surgeon to check up on Ben’s leg. The doctor was very pleased with how it looked and the progress he had made. The large lump that is on Ben’s shin is actually a good thing as it is bone that has grown over the break! It’s rather odd to feel! Anyway, good news there.
After we returned to the Kibbutz we paid a visit to the camels. There are three of them, one female mother, one female ‘baby’ (she was born
about a week after I left in January), and the male who is far smaller than the female. We had a good time feeding them as you can see from the pictures. The dumpster I am diving into is usually full of left over stale bread, but it was rather empty (hence the diving). It was a funny afternoon.
Thursday evening the kibbutz has pub night, which I never made it to while I was visiting and I had planned on attending this week….but, true to my tendencies, I didn’t! Beforeahand I did join Ben and a few of the kibbutzniks (people who live there, these friends had grown up there) for some tea outside their house, it was rather fun. Then I enjoyed a nice evening in the apartment reading my book.
We came to Beer Sheva yesterday just in time for Yom Kippur to begin. On this holiday everything shuts down and people do not drive on the streets. The religious community also fasts from about 5:30 on Friday evening until the same time on Saturday. Even the radios and TV’s have nothing on, it is a very quiet holiday. However, when evening falls on Friday night many kids go out to play and bike around in the empty streets so pretty much all you can hear is children playing (and dogs barking, but that really never stops it seems).
This morning at about 8:00 Ben and I awoke to a downpour! It could easily compete with the rain you find in Eugene sometimes, however it only lasted 10 minutes and then it was gone. We had hung our clothes out to dry last night and just laughed at the fact that they were out there getting soaked again...however, when we got up a few hours later (yes we slept in, there is not much to do on Yom Kippur) they were completely dry! The rest of the day has consisted of watching movies and reading books, period. I read another book I enjoyed called The Touch, by Colleen McCullough.
Tomorrow we plan to go into the city to some more government offices and get some paper work done for my work visa as well. For now, some dinner and perhaps another book….
(Look...what a cutie!!)
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